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Is this wellness clinic costing guests up to £40k the cure to longevity?

It’s 4pm on a random Wednesday, and my partner is messaging me about his computer issues while I lie stark naked in a chamber that resembles a bread bin. Just another day at Clinique La Prairie’s Longevity Reset Program.

Over the past few years, I have spiralled into a lifelong mission to ‘never age’. Ridiculous, right? But for those who grew up with Asian parents like me, you’ll know that finding natural collagen-boosting herbal remedies and defying UV rays has been ingrained in us since birth.

Alas, as someone who works in the Big Smoke that is London and is fortunate enough to travel frequently in pursuit of a year-long summer, the laws of ageing were bound to catch up with me - no matter how many supplements I stockpile.

I have dabbled in a fair share of weird and wonderful health trends to bio-hack my body into believing it is that of a 21-year-old athlete (the dream). From seven-day juice cleanses and marine-based diets to enduring arctic temperatures in cryotherapy and having every inch of my dry skin pinched by hand, I have tried it all. It has been a long journey, but that won’t stop me from my Benjamin Button-inspired quest to reverse ageing. So, when Clinique La Prairie invited me to experience their Longevity Reset Program, of course, I said yes. This world-renowned wellness clinic considers itself a pioneer in science-based longevity methods, boasting a clientele that includes Marilyn Monroe and Winston Churchill. If the stars have been willing to drop upwards of ten thousand pounds on their programs, then surely, it’s worth a try?

The Spa at CLP
The Spa at CLP

The prep-work

A few weeks before my stay, I was given some reading material outlining what to expect. Part of the preparation involved lowering my sugar intake and avoiding caffeine, tea, and alcohol. Fortunately, it was January, and the indulgent, boozy season was over, so the transition was easy enough. Since I have always had a slight fear of consultations and being assessed - thanks to dental examinations where I would hurriedly floss every millimetre of my teeth beforehand, I decided to do my due diligence. I rebooted my body by attending all my Pilates classes and religiously sticking to my skincare routine. Arriving at Clinique La Prairie

Arriving at the grounds of Clinique La Prairie, you immediately sense that Montreux is a haven of wellness, surrounded by snow-capped mountains. With my luggage taken care of, I was led through to their pristine, sleek reception, adorned with cream bouclé furnishings, to discuss my program in detail. Touring the clinic, I noticed three separate buildings, all connected by a hidden passageway that allows guests to roam around in their dressing gowns in comfort. Fun fact: one of the buildings is the very house featured on the luxury La Prairie skincare packaging.

I was taken to my suite in the newly built ‘Château’ area. Interestingly, the interior had a more homely, almost countryside feel, with gold baroque accents - a thoughtful touch to help guests feel at ease in their own space. After a quick change into my robe and slippers, I headed off for my first Revitalising Signature Massage. Being a Sunday at the end of the week of Blue Monday, this was a timely reminder of exactly why I was here. The treatment included deep myofascial release, plenty of stretching and satisfyingly audible cracks, as well as cupping to remove toxins — essentially a full-body MOT to identify where I was holding tension.

My journey to finding... me

The first full day of the program began with an 8:30am knock on the door from one of CLP’s nurses, ready to check my blood pressure and draw blood for testing by the doctors I would be meeting during my stay. The next few days saw me drifting between the spa therapy rooms, my appointed personal trainer and the doctor appointments at the medical centre. Everyone I met, had my record of all the information I built up during my stay, so they could use that exact information to tailor everything accordingly.

My first doctor’s appointment included an Oligoscan to assess the minerals, metals, and vitamins present in my body. Unsurprisingly, London pollution was taking its toll. Next on my schedule was a body analysis with Joanna to assess my composition and metabolic age (which I will share at the end). If there is one key takeaway from staying at Clinique La Prairie, it is that every aspect of your physical, mental, nutritional, and overall lifestyle health is taken into account. At one point in my schedule, my sleep was even tracked to analyse my breathing patterns at night, while an Audio Vitality scan measured my body’s response to low-frequency waves.

What sets Clinique La Prairie apart from luxury hotels or resorts that incorporate wellness into their brand is that CLP has been pioneering this approach since 1931. When I visit hotels to explore their wellness offerings, it usually involves a curated menu, perhaps an extra yoga class or a massage. CLP, however, takes this concept to an entirely different level — this isn’t just about pampering; it’s a serious commitment to health and longevity. So much so that a fully equipped medical clinic is part of the estate. It doesn’t just cater to guests but also serves those opting for private healthcare and medical consultations (I mean, there’s even a dentist on-site).

Medical Centre at CLP
Medical Centre at CLP

Let's talk food

I know what you're thinking - did I survive on rabbit food all day? Would you believe me if I said I actually ate well during my stay? Wellness clinics often come with horror stories of guests feeling starved— I even have a friend who once had to sneak out of a detox retreat at night just to grab some sushi.

CLP’s Seeds Restaurant served some of the most satisfying and nourishing meals I’ve had, using locally sourced ingredients. Dining here is an experience in itself, with the staff offering a warm welcome each time. Every morning, guests receive a full lunch and dinner plan for the day, ensuring there are no surprises. The attention to detail is impeccable, from remembering where each guest prefers to sit to providing their exact choice of extras or condiments.

Our CLP Nutrition philosophy and pillar are based on an evidence-based approach to nutrients that decreases the inflammatory processes by reducing oxidative stress, improving metabolic function and restoring a healthy gut microbiota.

Final thoughts

Now for the big reveal - my metabolic age is… drumroll, please… 22! That’s roughly 10 years younger than my actual age, and I’m pretty pleased with that. Has Clinique La Prairie changed my life and unlocked the secret to eternal youth? It’s hard to say, as my experience was just a teaser of what a full program might entail. However, I do believe my time there has given me a deeper understanding of my body and highlighted what I am (and am not) doing right when it comes to diet and nutrition. It’s also made me more aware of imbalances that I can address during my training.

While the clinic is on the pricier side, I can see the real value it offers to those serious about their health. Not only do you receive five-star service, top-tier facilities, and exceptional hospitality, but you’re also surrounded by leading medical professionals and cutting-edge health technology. And while it’s difficult to say if it’s truly the key to longevity, it undoubtedly provides a strong starting point for anyone looking to explore biohacking their life.

Book your next stay at Clinique La Prairie by visiting:

This stay was gently offered by CGC Global. All views and opinions here are as usual my own.

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